Youth – Is There A Fountain

Fountain of Youth, what does that mean to you? Don’t we all wish we could look and feel more youthful? It would be fun if we could go to that drive-in window and order an extra side of youth! Maybe we could get more time on our day, or an extra beautiful Sunset too. Or maybe set the clock back a little, relive that youthful exuberance and appearance? Boy, could we make some good extra bucks at that fast-“food” place! Call it”The Fountain of Youth” Order Store”? What would you want your drive-in window to give you?

We have found the solution for that more youthful appearance. Through bio-hacking technology, we have come up with a cell regenerating product that works! Our scientists define “Bio-hacking as the next level of wellness, to achieve the desired results in the shortest time possible”. Hence they have created a way to help our body absorb and use nutrients with age-defying outcomes. One of those nutrients is collagen. Check out the video below to find out more!!

Our bodies naturally produce collagen which helps support our joints, nails, hair, and skin. Although around 20 years of age the production of collagen continually depletes. This reduction is further affected by pollution and the rays of the sun. Studies have shown adding collagen to our diets daily can result in more hydration and elasticity of the skin, along with a more youthful appearance. There are other ingredients to help energize and feel younger as well such as green tea extract, turmeric, and S7. A plant-based ingredient that increases nitric oxide levels in the body to over 200%! No wonder this has a kick to it and you feel the difference almost immediately!

Youth- From Infant to Teens

Let’s face it, there is a child in all of us! Whether we are 8 or 80, that younger self is there. If you know me, you know that the child runs wild a lot! All of my children’s friends knew we had a genie living in our car! They must always say the magic words to get in, get out, work the windows….anything within the car! Hence any teen driver was expected to house our Genie as well!

My admiration and love go out to children of all ages. As babies, the soft supple skin and innocence. The questioning and discovery of toddlers expands my heart. The inquisitiveness and challenges of pre-teens can be humorous (but don’t dare tell them that!) And then we are TEENS, HMMM! Want to get that pep in your step back? Could you allow yourself to look younger and feel better? You could have the skin of this adorable newborn, the hair of a toddler, the NRG of a preteen, and the drive and stamina of a teen! This is truly a “Fountain of Youth”!(1)

History of Fountain of Youth

While writing this article, the name of the discoverer of “the Fountain of Youth ” just popped into my head. We were all taught in school about Juan Ponce de Leon’s quest into Florida in 1513. These amazing waters were said to rejuvenate anyone who baths in or drinks from this most scrumptious liquid! But did you know Mr. de Leon was not the only explorer to claim such miraculous feats? Stories have literally been globally known of incredible waters that provide restorative powers for thousands of years.

Herodotus of the 5th Century BC found his waters in Macrobia where the people there live upwards of one hundred twenty years. It was said they only drank milk and ate boiled meat. The most interesting discovery was of their bathing fountain. The liquid glistened like oil on their skin which was shiny and scented like violets. The story went on to say the water was very weak, nothing could float in it; not even wood.

Alexander the Great in the 3rd Century AD, spoke of the “Water of Life” as his restorative spring! Apparently, Alexander saw a salted fish revive after being placed in this magical spring. The Caribbeans were also telling all about their magical liquid in the same era as our well know Spanish explorer. The stories of the mythical land of Bimini spread. It might have been any type of water source, a lake, stream, or spring but the tail spoke of curing the sick and restoring youth to those who drank or bathed in it. This may have been where our Conquistator got the idea?


Was Mister deLeon looking for the fountain when he arrived in Florida? Legend states that the natives he encountered told him “The Fountain of Youth” was in Bimini! (Now we know there is a pool in Bimini where the limestone was carved out over centuries. When the tide would ebb the pools became Mineral-Laden. Presently these pools have high deposits of calcium and magnesium which enhance longevity and reproductive health. Known today as the “Healing Hole”) Interestingly there is little evidence historical or archaeological to support De Leon’s claim. He himself did not even write about it! Others documented this mythical Fountain. So was it real? Maybe he just discovered St Augustine, the city. After all it is the oldest city there!

Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park

We do know however that “Diamond Lil” (Luella Day McConnell), known for having diamonds and cash; purchased the land from a horticulturist in 1904 just after the klondike gold rush. Five years later she started advertising it and charging admission. She sold water from a well dug in 1875. She constantly made up stories; one being she actually found a cross made of Coquina rock placed by Ponce De Leon himself. Since her death in 1927, her manager Walter B. Fraser bought the property and turned it into one of the biggest Tourist Attractions in the State. (The Smithsonian institute actually did research to identify any historic significance to the site. None was found about the fountain, but this area uncovered artifacts from other civilizations.) The park currently houses many treasures of native and colonial settlers of Timucua and Spanish heritage.


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  1. This adorable picture is my brand new cousin, Shiloh Grey. His dad, the photographer in our family took this pic and comes to you with LOVE, by Brandon Ravet.

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