The Best Glass Water Purifier

We found the world’s most eco-friendly water purifier. Say goodbye to tap water’s chlorine, fluoride, and all of the other harmful chemicals that leach into plastic bottled water. Why pay for bottled water when you can purify your own and save hundreds of dollars a year? Now you can have purified water for less than two cents a gallon in the comfort of your own home! And therefore saving our environment from more harmful plastic waste.

Gravity does all of the work.

water drop of water falling

Tired of all the gadgets in your house that you must buy batteries to get them to work? Or the wires that are hidden under the carpet or around the back of the furniture. I have a maze of wires, plugs, and surge protectors in almost every room of my home. Is that the same with you? Well, this beautiful amazing machine is powered by -G-R-A-V-T-Y!!! How great is that? Guess what! That means if the power goes out, you still have yummy, tasting water!!

You just pour your tap water into the top. Water passes through the purifiers in the upper chamber, and is then stored in the lower chamber. This lower chamber houses the spout where the three-gallon container releases the delicious liquid beverage. My family uses about a gallon and a half of water daily. That being said, this filtration program would provide us with fresh water for about ten years. Then we would need to replace the filters, for another ten years of use. No batteries, no running to the store, no electricity; dang I’m in!!

Eco-Friendly Water Container

This environmentally friendly filtration container is all-glass. This is the only system on the market where the water vessel is not metal or plastic.. Therefore with this unique system, you will always taste crisp, clean water without any metal or plastic overtones. Then the environment is helped further by reducing the build-up of plastic waste. If we have paid attention, we all know that our planet is being bombarded with plastic and metal waste. Our waterways, oceans, and landfills have debris that is non-biodegradable! So when using this system, we are actually helping our planet!

But wait this company goes 1 step further!! With every sale, it donates a portion to non-profit organizations that help others get clean water! Learn more about these organizations that help our World Population. You can help yourself and thousands of others to have a better life with clean water. Get your amazing filtration system here. So isn’t this exactly what eco-friendly is all about?

This incredible system makes the most refreshing water you’ll ever experience in your life. Solely because of the sophisticated gravity-fed water filters, as well as its all-glass enclosure. By having your water housed in glass, you get a pure, crisp, refreshing taste you will love.

What Do the Water Filters Remove?

 water purifier water filters image of microscope slide of contaminants bacteria, germs, viruseswith red circle overlay with line slashed thru

The filtration system can be put together easily and can be flushed through running water. It is advised to do this annually for the filters to function at their best and last the longest. The contaminants lurking in the tap water that our cities supply for us are numerous and could affect our health. Many harmful chemicals are present in our water today. Bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chlorine, and fluoride will be filtered out to name a few. However, the minerals that are beneficial will remain in order to help our bodies work most efficiently. So the remaining liquid will continue to have a clean, crisp, refreshing taste, day in and day out! Your glass container can be placed on the counter on a wooden stand, or on the floor stand for convenience.

Below is a listing of actual contaminants removed:

  • Bacteria like E. coli
  • Chlorine
  • Viruses
  • Chloramines
  • Parasites
  • Fluoride
  • Heavy Metals
  • Trihalomethane (THMs)
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Petroleum Contaminants
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA)
  • Radiologicals
  • Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS)
  • Herbicides & Pesticides

Water Purification Improved Public Health

Unfortunately, we are all aware of the CDC because of the horrible pandemic the world was exposed to. But the Center for Disease Control was not the biggest supporter to create a push for the world to have the right to fresh, clean drinking water! In 2010 The United Nations issued an official statement on the importance of clean drinking water and demanded that water sanitation was a basic human right!
It’s not just the American government that has stressed the importance of proper, safe drinking water — although “Access to Safe Water and Sanitation” was on the CDC’s list of Ten Great Public Health Achievements, along with the control of malaria and tuberculosis.

The United Nations, too, has issued official statements on the importance of clean drinking water. In 2010, a resolution was passed that “declared safe and clean drinking water and sanitation a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights.”

And that’s a huge deal — it called access to safe drinking water (i.e., not raw water) a “legal entitlement, rather than a commodity or service,” and they defined what that water is, too. It’s “free from micro-organisms, chemical substances and radiological hazards that constitute a threat to health.” … again, basically not raw water.

Filtered vs Purified

What is the difference between water filtration and purification? Basically, a water filter is created to take out waterborne organisms and bacteria, whereas water purifiers remove both waterborne organisms and bacteria; as well as viruses! Therefore providing safer drinking water and more protection against unwanted germs.

Texas Tap Water Worst in the US

Our ‘Lonestar State” of Texas, is known to have everything being BIGGER, for its delicious BBQ, a great music scene, and its friendly people. Unfortunately, this great state is also known for some of the worst water that comes from your tap in the United States.  You can read for yourself about the top 10 worst states to drink tap water here.  This putrid tape water is present throughout the whole state, but the worst contamination is found in the smaller towns and rural areas of the state. It is said that many areas are unable to provide the type of resources that are needed to make the water better.

Some of the contaminants found in the Texas public water are arsenic, lead, and radiation. We all know these impurities are toxic to all life. The state water system is inferior because of old pipes that are leaky and allow contaminants into the water. But it is also known for many areas of contaminated groundwater which affects more than 500,000 residents.

Water filtration is not Unique to our Modern Day

Lenntech Water Treatment Solutions found that a system to purify water can be found as early as 2,000 BC. Greece, Egyptian, and Indian records report the importance of clean water. They used sand or gravel to filter their water and also boiled it. We can also learn through history that Hippocrates invented his own water filter system in 500 B.C. His invention consisted of a cloth bag that he called The Hippocratic Sleeve. This sleeve was used to remove the sediment from their water. Historians also speak of the aqueduct system that tunneled water throughout the Roman Empire.

Sir Francis Bacon made a name for himself in 1627 for trying to remove salt from water through sand. People also tried other water filter methods by the 1700s using sponges, charcoal, and wool. In 1854 the cholera epidemic spread through London. The discovery was made that the water was not safe to drink even if it look clean and clear. Queen Victoria also contributed to the idea of filtering water at home through Royal Doulton pottery. Then in 1862 the carbon filter was invented which has all lead us to what we know now.

Filter Differences

There are a few different kinds of filters, but most work on the same general principle. Most filters have two parts that work together to remove impurities from the water.

Firstly, a physical part, pushing the water through something like a strainer or fine mesh which removes larger particles

Secondly, a chemical filter part, similar sounding, but slightly different. The water passes through a chamical, like activated carbon. In this manor particals are actually pulled from the water by a chemical reaction.

Carbon filters are used throughout most homes as they help remove the largest contaminants at the surface with charcoal and absorb the smaller particles like lead and organic compounds. This chemical reaction is the major reason for chlorine being removed from our water. Inturn providing a healthier, better tasting beverage for the entire family.

Center For Disease Control

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believes that people investigate filtration methods for their water because the water has a bad taste or odor. You could compare a water filter to the lint tray in your dryer. It has a similar duty to remove the yucky stuff from your clothing. But it must be cleaned regularly or the system does not work well. This also appied to our water filters.

The CDC alerts people with immune-compromised issues to filter their water These are people undergoing chemotherapy or have other illnesses that conpromise their immune systems.

Forbes points out that the Earth is no longer the clean, pristine planet it once was, and pollutants are everywhere. They can show up anywhere in the water cycle, and that’s what filtration and treatment is also protecting us from. Those are things like, well, pretty much any pollutant that can end up in the water: from carcinogenic and man-made compounds to naturally occurring — but still deadly — elements. 

What Naturally occurring elements Affect our Water?

According to the CDC, arsenic commonly leaches into groundwater from naturally occurring deposits, and it’s also dumped there after being created as a byproduct from industries like smelting and mining. And yes, that stuff will definitely kill you: in fact, it was a commonly favored poison for some of history’s most notorious serial prisoners.

the World Health Organization, around 2 million people each year die from waterborne illnesses, and most of those are children under 5 years old. 

According to UNICEF, more than a billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe, treated, and filtered water, and double that don’t have adequate sanitation. That’s an unthinkably huge number, and to put that in perspective, let’s look at the very moment you’re reading this. Right now, over half of the people in the developing world are feeling the effects of waterborne illnesses or unsafe sanitation. And they also say that every one of those four billion yearly cases of illness and those more than 2 millions deaths would be preventable with proper water treatment plans and resources… i.e., if they didn’t have to drink raw water.


Using a water purifier for your tap water has a number of benefits that make it a worthwhile purchase.

  • Safety: Primarily people use water purifiers for this reason. Toxins, bacteria, chemicals, and contaminants create an unhealthy environment. A purifier removes these contaminants from our tap water and gives us a better-tasting, cleaner, drinkable beverage.
  • Taste: Tap water can be nasty tasting, but by removing all the contaminants and bacteria the taste is greatly improved.
  • Cost: Let’s face it Buying bottles of water is expensive! An investment in a purifier will be so much more cost-effective.
  • Eco-friendly: Buying jugs or bottles of water is expensive and ends up in landfills. Even recycling the bottles uses energy that isn’t good for the environment. Water purifiers reduce the amount of plastic waste produced by your home.

Filter types

  • There are four main types of filters used in water purifiers:
  1. Carbon: These purifiers eliminate and filter out contaminants absorbed into activated or blocked carbon. This system is used by most purifiers and usually creates a better-tasting beverage.
  2. Ceramic: Removal of bigger particles are eliminated with this porous filter although they may not remove many chemical contaminants.
  3. Reverse osmosis: This purifier can remove synthesized chemicals like nitrates and salts and larger particles from your tap water. There is no unit to store as they hook directly into the plumbing.
  4. Ultraviolet light: These filters are effective in removing bacteria, disease-causing organisms, and viruses; and create water that tastes better. However, it does not remove much many of the other contaminants. Good news; it can be used in conjunction with other types of filters and connects directly to the plumbing.

Benefits: This Water Purification System

  • Purify your water for less than 2 cents a gallon
  • Eco-friendly water purification system
  • No plastic bottle taste in your water
  • Purify 6,000 gallons of water 
  • Lasts almost 11 years @ 1.5 gallons a day
  • Cutting edge Gravity purifier

You deserve the healthiest water for you and your family!

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