Trendy Fashion

Hey readers, just found a new trendy fashion that should be in every women’s closet! It can keep you warm on chilly nights or in that air-conditioned restaurant. It is oh so stylish and can accent any fashion from casual to fancy. The designer put a lot of thought into this one!

Her inspiration came with the idea of ditching that catch-all that women carry around. That thing seems to get heavier and heavier every time I go out, don’t know about you; does yours? Sure we all love those designer bags. The leather ones are so yummy and soft, but let’s face it ladies; we try to cram so much in there! Rather than just taking the essentials! What about not having to carry anything at all?

That is exactly what Angela Lee thought. Although she was just a country girl from Nebraska, she knew you could have style without lugging a purse around. Why not be hands-free? The idea was simple, but the hard part was putting it into action!!

New Fashion in the Making

Angela put her thinking cap on and knew she wanted to develop something with a pocket! Simple enough, right? Ah not really, she had no idea where to start. Did not have a fashion background. Had no industry connections. Knew nothing about fabrics or sewing, but she was determined!! So in 2010 she bought a used sewing machine for 20 bucks. Then set out to create her first prototype and secure a patent for her treny new fashion!!

Yeah she did it and so the process began! She has created a little guy named “STASH. Here is her tale!”


There once was an adventuresome squirrel named Stash,
But with no place to hide passport, phone, keys or cash.
So off in search of somewhere to hold it,
Low and behold, was a secret called SHOLDIT®  With products for function, fashion, freedom and more,
It was soon realized, a renewed ambition to get out and explore.
From hiking or biking to concerts and travel,
Oh what incredible experiences are now bursting to unravel.  With a new found zest, Stash started a trend,
And willingly shared with each and every dear friend.
For what you have long been searching to hold it,
Is an incredible line of products under a fun little brand we call SHOLDIT®​UNZIP ADVENTURE!

So folks whether at the beach sporting your new trendy fashion or, with friends enjoying a meal together; remember to relax. and explore a glass of our fine-wine with your adventure.

We want you to reach out when you are ready and Contact Us. We’ll guide you through all the Awesome things our Community has to offer you. You will Love how we do things, and what we do! WELCOME!!!!