Smart Crypto Mining Watch

This Page is Outdated as of 01/01/23, But the Watch or Bio-Sensing Band is even Better!!

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crypto mining watch with smart phone app

We have discovered the most incrediblly smart watch that even provides Crypto Mining while being worn every day. Involvment now is your best opportunity into the future of this medical data systems, Blockchain, and cryptocurrency world. You will be one of the first to involve yourself at the starting line of a new medical data collection advancement within our future global economy! I am sure you have heard of the saying, “Timing is everything!” Believe me when I say, ” There has never been a better time than now!

This exciting smart, cryto-mining watch is the first to market; which means it is truly the ground floor opportunity to get involved. We want to educate our readers about this amazing blockchain innovative tool which will allow you to monitor your health while making an investment into your future. It is the first into this crypto world that truly allows your privacy of medical data to solely be at your discretion.

The information in the video below provides insight into this Crypto Breakthrough!

Go Here

While purchasing your watch, it is necessary to follow the listing below to get your “Incredible Jewel”, this Smart Crypto Mining Watch:

  • Firstly, just know, thousands of our business partners are helping us promote this launch to ensure everyone’s success.
  • Secondly, If you are already part of our rrr247 family…Great! You already understand the value of this new addition to our income stream.
  • Thirdly, If not, you have several option:
    • Contact the person who referred you to this sight.
    • Click on the link above and sign up from here.
    • Fill out the box to the right of this page ===> for more information. I will get back to you to help with further understanding and support.
  • Fourthly, It is just happenstance you arrived, no referral; NO PROBLEM! Just click on the link above.
  • Fifthly, when you join the marketing of this within our family; you receive complete support with our rrr247community to ensure your success in the marketplace. Your hand will be held, and all explained every step of the way!

Why So Exciting?

Most of us feel that our health and how we take care of it is important. But how are we able to monitor it? We may have some devices like a thermometer to know when we have a fever. Maybe some of us have other things like a blood-pressure cuff or an oxygen monitoring device, but what good are these things? We then go to the doctor and they interpret all that medical data and tell us what to do with it! Ok, I agree the doctors have far more education than I to help monitor my health, but what if I could monitor it all myself and just tell them everything?… For one thing, it would save the cost of traveling to the office (With the cost of gas rising throughout the world, that could be 1 or 2 gallons spared). Don’t you like that thought?

Since the recent happenings in the world, there has been a substantial increase in virtual medicine. It would therefore be a lot easier if we had all our medical data to relay to the doctors with just a phone call! This incredible Smart Watch does just that!!! It provides medical data in a real-time monitoring system on your phone. It even alerts you when there is a problem. Incredibly while you are wearing this multi-faceted watch, it is also mining cryptocurrency for your present and future use! How amazing is that?? No other company has been able to do this (Amazon, Apple, and even Facebook all had incredible starts. Those that knew about it and jumped, benefited in extraordinary ways!). This is the first of it’s kind, first to market!! You are fortunate enough to be in the right place, at the right time!

What you need to know:

  • VYVO TOKEN VSC20 (VYVO) is a cryptocurrency, deployed on Binance Smart Chain(BSC BEP-20). It is fully implemented to create a priceless data streaming system based on personal Health and Wellness biodata captured directly from Vyvo wearable devices in real-time. All done in way that does not invade your privacy.
  • And this is only the beginning of a forward strategy in solving Health and Wellness issues through advancing science and data.
  • We are in a long awaited ROLL-OUT of this Technology and Marketing Strategy for sharing this with the World through our RRR247 Organization.

ENROLLMENT STEPS for claiming a Spot in the Marketing Program; as well as getting the following with your W2 Pack for $150(plus shipping).

This is just the beginning – more things are tied to this – but this is what you will be receiving initially:

  • Crypto Mining Watch or Sensory Band: $500 PLUS in VALUE. Firstly, this is the device that connects you with your Vitals and Health Information. Secondly, this is the same device that is Mining Crypto Currency. All through the Proof of Sensing!


  • 6 HUBS: $600 VALUE (We get included in this). Each Hub is activated with Customers and Members entering the Network. 5 Per Hub. Hub Owners receive 25% of the Crypto Mined in the HUB. The Customer / Member with a Crypto Mining Watch/Device receive 50% of their Watch/Device mining. And then there is 25% of the Crypto Mined going to the Global Pool. 100% of the Crypto Mined in every Hub are distributed to the Customers/Members.
  • PLUS MORE… but this is INSANELY AWESOME!!! And we are connecting more ways to build income through the use of this technology.

You will go to that link, Enroll with your Information. Hit Join. Then go into the “STORE” selecting that from the TOP MENU. And if not already pre-selected, select “VYVOEVO CLUB STORE” in the “COUNTRY” Drop Down Menu. This will pull up our EXCLUSIVE RRR247 Launch PACK. And get you involved in our “INCREDIBLE” offering.

Here is a Walk Thru for this Crypto Mining Watch:

Basic Information

Health and medical data is the leading concern for every country on the planet. President Biden has just told the American public that sharing their medical data is important. This is doing that, but in a different way. It is not allowing our government or any individual caregiver to exploit this precious information. It is collecting the data in a new way, through a secure, incorruptible blockchain. Where you have control of where you choose to share and maintaining your privacy.

The crypto mining watch collects medical data while you wear it. It also produces Vyvo Tokens that can be exchanged as ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain. This is truly the beginning of a new era in data collection that you can be a part of at the start! I believe it is the future of how medical information can be collected and utilized to therefore develop cures and medical breakthroughs! We are at the cutting edge of solutions that can help mankind develop technology to break previous barriers.

Your Pre- Roll-Out Special will allow you to Purchase and Mark your Spot within our System. For only $150 ( plus shipping)with the FOLLOWING:

  • $500.00 valued/ Crypto Mining Watch This special watch not only provides daily health and data information, but it is also the miner that provides you with cryptocurrency collection. this will be rolled out in July 2022 and will be listed under POS (Proof of Sensing).
  • You can bring in friends and family all on this same premise. Put 1 member on your left and 1 member on your right each purchase the smart crypto mining watch.
  • Added beauty is provided within the watch. Vyvo Debit card and Smart Band have already been developed so payments can be made through this watch as well. Any place using tap to pay! This visa network is normally a $250.00 added value but will be included within the bonus package during the pre-launch.
  • Additionally you receive 6 cryptocurrency Hubs to build and you receive 6 grow. also an amazing add-0n to the grouping with a $600.00 value.

This package seems too good to be true, but it is! That is why I am trying to blast it out to the world. Everyone and their brother could become part of this incredible offering! Do not look back saying Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda. Strike now before time runs out!

But WAIT…..There Are Actually More Perks

  • 6 HUBS: $600 VALUE (We get included in this). Each Hub is activated with Customers and Members entering the Network. 5 Per Hub. Hub Owners receive 25% of the Crypto Mined in the HUB. The Customer / Member with a Crypto Mining Watch/Device receive 50% of their Watch/Device mining. And then there is 25% of the Crypto Mined going to the Global Pool. 100% of the Crypto Mined in every Hub are distributed to the Customers/Members.
  • 30 Days Subscription to the “SmartLife Basic Oracle”. This is a monthly Subscription service that is required to allow the mining to occur. This carries 30 (BV) and is commissionable in the Binary Dual Team Compensation Plan.
  • PLUS MORE… but this is INSANELY AWESOME!!! Patience is key in life. We gain from our Investments and Patience. Feb 2016 through January 2022. And here we go. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN. And it is a COMPLETE CIRCULAR part of the Multiple Streams of Income that we have with RRR247.

You will go to that link, Enroll with your Information. Hit Join. Then go into the “STORE” selecting that from the TOP MENU. And if not already pre-selected, select “VYVOEVO CLUB STORE” in the “COUNTRY” Drop Down Menu. This will pull up our EXCLUSIVE RRR247 Launch PACK. And get you involved in our “INSANE” offering.

Anyone you enroll in your left or right team should be under a kink that looks like:

RRR247 PBS Students: You can copy and modify this very Information (OFFER PAGE) and add it to your PBS.

RRR247 Friends/Family that are not PBS Students: You may want to get back to me and I will be happy to give you further information about our incredible system here at rrr247.l You are welcome to share this page with others, just MAKE SURE THEY ABSOLUTELY KNOW to USE my LINK:

Be sure to set your enrollments to go where you want them. Left Team or Right Team. Here is how that is done:

Our RRR247 Student Training Calls are held EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT at 6pm PST / 7pm MST / 8pm CST / 9pm EST on Type Name/Join meeting/enter ID# 267 159 642

All are welcome to join in. Just be aware that we have an incredible way to market online. And this is one of our KIOSK OFFERS. And while it is an incredible thing, we are building with so much more. All in a very duplicatable process and System we call RRR247 and Performance Blogging System (PBS for Short).

We will be looking to do updates on this on our calls; and will continue to do so up through the actual migration in July of 2022. And then from there we will adapt and move as needed.

Because we are part of things coming in the future; we are literally creating the timing and making success almost guaranteed. We win. All of us WIN. Furthermore, we are set up to add more and more success in a proven eco-system of our own to deploy, educate and properly market to the World.


We will be rolling out THIS in our RRR247 Manner during the Tuesday Night RRR247 PBS Student Training Zooms. Completely covering Marketing Strategies, and processes as utilized with our PBS, Social Media, Link Posting, and our Paid Marketing Campaigns.

Action Items:

  • Get Yourself In, using the link you see above.
  • And Refer 1 Business Partner to your Right Team.
  • Then add as many Business Partners to your Teams as you can.
  • Help your Business Partners to Get their 1 Referred Business Partner in their Left Team.
  • Then, Help your Business Partners to Get their 1 Referred Business Partner in their Right Team.
  • REPEAT. In order to establish your Qualified Business Centers (Activated Businesses with 1 referred Business on the Left, and 1 referred Business on the Right)

That is the BASICS. The timing is NOW. And then we build upon this. The World Needs these solutions. We are going to be there to deliver it. So much to gain, so much to improve on, and so many to help.

We want you to reach out when you are ready and Contact Us. We’ll guide you through all the Awesome things our Community has to offer you. You will Love how we do things, and what we do! WELCOME!!!!