Practice Makes Progress

Practice makes progress is a new twist to the saying most of us know: Practice makes perfect! But perfection takes a long time to establish. We have a learning curve and it is human nature to want that absolute understanding to happen immediately, but it must be a patient process. We need to embrace the trial period and progress slowly.

practice cartoon image of woman pulling hair out

Have you ever tried to start something you know nothing about and totally feel overwhelmed? I know I have! Just take the internet for example. The kids now-a-days are taught in school and from a young age using our cell phones, how to navigate through the nuances of the web. There was a huge learning curve for me. Anytime we start a new J-O-B, or activity we expect it will take time for us to really fall into a rhythm of the work. Whether it be work, a new organization, or a new exercise routine, we all must do our due diligence, be patient and learn by making slow progress through baby steps

Frustration Sets in with Practice Makes Progress.

Mistakes should be expected otherwise how do we learn? If you are anything like me, I am wonderful at beating myself up for the mistakes that I have made! Saying to myself “that was so stupid”! Or “What was I thinking”? This frustration is part of the learning process. When we make a mistake, we realize what not to do and how to move past that particular issue. That is not to say we won’t stumble again, but we must have the perseverance to push through. We need to continue forward, toward the end goal.

Practice  group celbrating man at finish line

When it comes to tasks, we can set them in so many different ways. We are all individuals and some of us have monumental tasks that we want to accomplish, while others break those tasks into smaller bites. No matter what type of person you are; there is a start……and a finish. The key to learning, is to develop a type of map! This journey will take us down a path and let us arrive at the end goal! It will enable us to finish the race with flying colors. The race could be a short sprint or a marathon, but the end is the same……arrive at the finish line with a feeling of accomplishment and completion.

The Three RRR’s

So you are thinking…. what the heck is she talking about? What do reading, writing, and (a)rithmatic have to do with the subject at hand? Well, you are absolutely right…. NOTHING! HA these are different 3 R’s that I am referring to! But these are essential to your ability to create progress while practicing. These are the steps we must take that will enable us to reach our desired goals.

  1. Reset: we must be able to clear our minds to a point that is open for change.
  2. Refocus: we must develop the ability to redirect our NRG toward our task
  3. Recommit: we must commit to the process and not give up, allowing progress to be made.


What does reset really mean when we are trying to make progress? It is probably the most important step to attaining your goal. You must reset your mind to be open to the possibility of change. That does not happen overnight. Change takes practice. How do we go about resetting our mind? Some people go to a spa. Others go on vacation and give themselves a change of scenery. But let’s face it! We cannot all do that, so where is your go-to place to clear the woes of the day and create calm in your mind?

Where Do You Go to Reset?

practice woman is boat on quiet lake just before sunset
  • I close my eyes and take my mind to a quiet, more serene place. My go-to place is the beach.! Where I picture the ocean waves going back and forth on the sand, making that sand clean and fresh. I let the ocean just wash away the debris, while creating clean, white sand. The smell of salt water fills the air with its unique fragrance. Then I just stay there and let my mind clear to the beautiful ocean and serenity. Waves are going in and out, back and forth hhhhhmmmm!
  • Do you go to a snow-top mountain with a sea of pristine white all around you? The brisk air all brushing past you. The quiet tranquility of a winter wonderland encompasses you into its beautiful landscape. Maybe sounds of distant birds kawing from the mountaintops, the slight rustling of the trees, and the smell of pine filling the air. Quietly you look around enjoying the silence. The stillness of this frosted acreage brings contentment and calmness to your surrounding white haven! AAAWWWWWW!
  • Maybe you go to the middle of a calm lake with trees towering on its borders like giant soldiers guarding the peace and quiet. The lake looks like a sheet of glass before you without a ripple or disturbance. The stillness is intoxicating as you appreciate the surrounding treeline painted in the glass-like water encompassing you. Your breathing has slowed. Your heart is calm and slow. You have allowed yourself to be engulfed by the beauty before you. You have arrived at a state of peace and calm. Your mind, body, and spirit settle into tranquility. Breathe quietly, and enjoy the mental haven you have created. Linger there as long as it takes to clear everything but the beauty before you.


Awesome, you have cleared your mind to prepare it for the task at hand. We must refocus and put those blinders up to get on track. Do not allow the dog barking outside to distract you! That radio blaring from the kid’s room will not rile your feathers today! Or the washing machine turning its cycles will become a distant noise in the background.

We need to pay strict attention to what our goal is and to drown out the rest of the world that wants to interfere with our progress. We all know the story about the tortoise and the hare. The moral of that story was: “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”! We discussed earlier that we have signed up for a race; especially if it is a marathon! We have committed to complete the entire 26.2 miles! Slow and steady is the key! Let’s put that another way…….. consistency, perseverance, focus!

So do you get it? We must clear our minds to P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S, progress to the finish line! Focus on the goal and push through. As we have heard so many say: “Keep your eye on the Prize”! Keep heading for the finish line! Focus on each step as you get closer and closer to the finish. Someone once asked me,” How do you eat an elephant?”…….. The answer is one bite at a time We therefore must keep in mind for each elephant of a task, we must focus on each bite and keep chewing and chewing and chewing.


Look, I know you have the first two down! But nothing can happen without putting your head down and going for it. You need to recommit your mind, body, and spirit to go forward and grab that prize. All the while realizing that this is a patient process and you must maintain that consistent slow and steady pace. Commit to putting the time in that is necessary! Pledge yourself to overcome and complete each step along the way. Believe you can eat that elephant, every delicious bit!

Everyone knows this is not an easy task! As we have all heard, If it was easy; everyone would be doing it!! But the commitment, the steadfastness, the drive is what makes you different. At this point, we need to look to the 3P’s….: Practice, Patience, and Perseverance!

You MUST believe and pledge that you can accomplish any task! Do you have a fighting spirit? Are you set for success and accomplishment? You ARE going to get to that finish line. All those around you will be cheering, while you feel energized and ready to take on the World!!! The pledge to complete the task is most important! Envisioning the completion of the task furthers your resolve! You are willing to put your best foot forward and push on, doing whatever it takes to get to that end target! Confidence in your ability helps to move you forward! You deserve those cheers and praise! YOU ARE READY, WILLING, and ABLE! This is what RRR is all about!

Setting our Schedule Also Takes Practise

We now have our heads on straight, meaning we have gone through the process and our mind, body, and spirit are recharged and ready to eat that elephant. Will you use utensils like a fork and a knife? Will you start to eat from the head or do you prefer the feet? In other words, what is your plan of attack with this monstrous meal?

Wait!!! I guess I jumped in a little too soon. How will we do our RRR without knowing our goals? What is necessary for the goal? What are the components that make up that goal? How do we fit those components into a day, a week, or a month?

Ever heard the saying, “Plan your work and work your plan”? We need to break that elephant up into bite-size pieces, so we are able to enjoy our meal. In this case, we want to attain our goal! That brings us to some Systems called S M A R T and Time Blocking. These adaptations will help us figure out our goals and how to proceed!


practice saying with image of a road "a dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down to steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true

Our basic goal-setting practice goes back to this simple premise. It is an easy acronym to remember, but the application takes thought and a certain self-awareness that will push you to embrace the outcome. In other words, setting each goal with the outcome that internally pushs you to visualize arriving at that finish line with the crouds cheering!

So how do we do that? Here’s how. We follow the acronym along with our focus on personal DREAMS we want to Acomplish!

  • Specific: Identify the goal in detail
  • Measurable: The goal must be able to reflect the “Progress” made
  • Achieveable: The goal must be attainable, reachable
  • Relavant: The goal must be realistic, personally reflective
  • Time-Bound: The goal must have a start and expectation to finish

Allot Time for each Segment of the Task

There are five major components to time blocking. This again takes those 3 P’S. Remember? Practice, Patience, and Perseverance. I have learned from experience that any new thing is sucky to start. Breaking down that goal or even figuring out what the goals are, is no exception, but very necessary in getting to the finish line of accomplishment!

  • Part 1: Define the tasks needed to complete the goal……
  • Part 2: Estimate the amount of time to accomplish each task……
  • Part 3: Identify the personal time needed throughout the day…..
  • Part 4: Analyse your plan…..
  • Part 5: Block the necessary time on your calendar…..

Why should Time Blocking Even be Considered?

It is obvious that we are not all the same. But what sets us apart from those few at the top that seem to always succeed? Are they better than you or me? I suggest that they have developed a Plan that allows them to follow those 3 P’s (Practice, Patience, and Perseverance), and know how to implement that plan! Cal Newport, who has written the book ‘Deep Work’. writes about how Time Blocking is important:

It generates a massive amount of productivity. A 40-hour time-blocked work week, I estimate, produces the same amount of output as a 60+ hour work week pursued without structure

Wow that is a great reason for me! Getting more done in a day is actually huge! I write a lot of things down in notebooks, cuz I am old school. But for Time-Blocking I use my Google Calendar. It allows me to have a running schedule that I can easily adhere to. I can also insert changes when necessary. This is the system I use and find it works great! But there are many things that can be used. Just remember it must be written down. You need to be able to visualize and commit to the road map you have created! But it is also something new, so expect that yuckyness to be there until you get more comfortable with the process. We do have things called erasers! What we did not do today can be added to tomorrow. Just keep going forward and don’t beat yourself up!


My mentor Rory Ricord, continually tells my community of RRR247: ” We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How you use them is up to you!” So scheduling time to do what is necessary to complete goals and tasks; allows you to be more productive. You can focus on what matters hence, plan the work, and (stick to) work the plan!

By creating this time-blocking system you can avoid that thing we all love to do…..procrastinate! The plan is placed right before you and you must follow the time allotted to complete the task. If an hour is blocked, then dive in and use the hour to work. The minutes do not change. They tick by and you can become more effective by using the time scheduled.

Organize To Complete Tasks

Time blocking allows us to prepare our work with the allotted time necessary to complete the task at hand. This is not rocket science, but it most definitely takes practice to prepare the correct formula. We must go through a bit of trial and error period to get the process down just right. But with practice our progress eventually is made with less time allotted. The focus on the task continues to improve our productivity and ability to move forward! We can therefore provide a realistic expectation for the specific task completion. While moving forward is the ultimate goal!

Consistency on a daily basis enables the progress to continue day in and day out. The time blocking and commitment to the calendar process must be followed. This is the true plan of those at the top that succeed. Write down the time given to everything during the work period. Stick to the plan and progress until the task is completed.

Unique Utopian Community

We have found a place where these “Practices” are in place twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week:RRR247. I feel blessed and delighted every day that I am able to share and utilize this amazing system to accomplish my heart’s desires. But don’t get me wrong, none of this is an easy task! It takes major effort and regular Resetting, Refocusing, and Recommitting! Although our community is like none other. we are a family of like-minded people that want to make success happen.

Practice image of core values for rrr247

Our CoFounders Rory and Tanya Ricord created a Utopian community where all are welcomed and supported. After decades of self-development, their dream of creating an incredible circular marketing system launched in 2008. They are paving the way for success to be enacted and duplicated. This unique road map to success is our very own playbook of how, and what to do to be successful! Rory continually reminds us, “this is a system, not a suggestion”. And we “getta doit” every day!

Come run with us, reach the finish line, and share it with others. Let’s make YOUR dreams reality!

What Can You Accomplish Today?

We want you to reach out when you are ready and Contact Us. We’ll guide you through all the Awesome things our Community has to offer you. You will Love how we do things, and what we do! WELCOME!!!!