Backyard Sports- Football Anyone?

Backyard Sports is a favorite past-time for groups, families, adults, teens, and kids alike. When large groups get together, some kind of horseplay is going to happen! OMG folks, this backyard sports game is it!! A TOUCHDOWN! literally! You can play anywhere you want to get together and have fun! If your backyard sports is at the beach, go for that touchdown in the sand! Tailgate party, backyard sports romp, in the street; any venue can bring this game alive with 2, or more players!

In my hometown While growing up the Friday Night, Football game was the event for our entire small town. If this were around then. the parking lot would be bustling, and everyone would be playing this amazing backyard sports game. The holidays are coming up and this is the perfect thing when the family comes over. Everyone loves this new backyard sport! Check it out for yourself.! Don’t you want to get in there and enjoy the fun?

How Did This Backyard Spports Game Get started? Want to Play?

Hear from the brothers Frank and Mike Silva themselves, direct from their own New Jersey kitchen! The inventors of this New, Like-Nothing-Seen-Before Backyard Sports Game! Wait….. kitchen, what is up with that? My parents would never have allowed football in the house, let alone the kitchen? HMMM?! OK, well check it out anyway! Learn how this energetic, addictive, fun, backyard sports game got started. Oh and also how to play from the experts themselves!

Go Buckeyes!!!!!!!!!!!!


I must admit it! I am an OSU, Ohio State Buckeyes fan! Not only did I grow up in Ohio, (in that small football town), but OSU in my Alma Mater!!!! As did my daughter, Aunt, and Uncle! So guess we are a Buckeye family ( Oh yeah except for my traitorous sister, she attended those nasty Wolverine Games. Yah you know the very rivals of the Buckeyes; the University of Michigan?)! I actually went to a game between the 2 rivals in Michigan. My sister got the tickets, so guess where I sat? You guessed it, in Michigan stands. I did not falter folks, I was true to my team! Even though it was pouring down rain, I still got tomatoes and eggs thrown at me. but the joke was all on them when OSU pulled through!!! We Won! So, go buckeyes!!!

So all you other College backyard sports fans like myself, support your teams! There are seven actual licensed university formats. Check it out for yourself In addition you can purchase your favorite NFL or NCAA flags to personalize and show your fan spirit! They even have NFL footballs to use in play!

Oh and while you are at it for those lady fans out there, get your favorite NFL and NCAA fashions that are just for you! Not the men’s jerseys in a smaller size. These will make you feel like the Queen you are!! Better yet, you can wear all of these stylish goodies to the gym, to the games, or out on the town!

How to Play

  • Place Chairs 40 feet apart (closer if younsters further for more competition)
  • Can have 2 or 4 players (2= oposite sides for each) (4= 2 each side)
  • Take turns throwing the football
  • If the ball hits (on a fly ball) any part of the chair, that team/player scores 3 points
  • If ball goes into the backet !!!!!!!! touchdown = 6 points for team/player
  • After touchdown is scored, that team can go for a field goal. Just kick the ball between the goal posts! *******IF the kick goes into the basket, !!!!!! Your team/player WINS THE GAME!!
  • After a throw if the ball bounces on the ground and dunks into basket***** offence scores 2 points
  • Defence, you can score 3 points if a rebound is caught before hitting the ground (offence must let the ball hit the chair)
  • Sides change when leader has scored 12, 24,36,48 points
  • Winner******* hit 54 points 1st!!!! (must win by 2) Losing team gets 1 last throw!!!

Experienced Player Rules:

Team players play these rules additionally!

Pick-6 Rule: Intercept a throw that has hit the chair before the ball hits the ground

  1. Earn 3 points by taking knee after interception
  2. RUN!! Play stops if opponent has 2 handed touch. At that point player must obtain a touchdown throw for 6 points (extra point try allowed as well!) Miss the goal, no points scored (including points for interception!)!

Note: Rule for interception Will always be present for the opposing team during a thrown touchdown!

Extra Point Attempt Rule: Can only be caught 1 handed.

  1. Gain 1 point
  2. Run to opposite goal! Play stops if opponent has 2 handed touch. At that point player must obtain a touchdown throw for 6 points (extra point try allowed as well!) Miss the goal, no points scored. Ball reverts to opposing team.

Note: Note: Rule for interception Will always is present for the opposing team during a thrown touchdown!

Hail Mary:

  • Of course this is the last Ditch effort for the team losing by 54 pts or more!! ?????REMEMPTION????????
  • Take the winning score, subtract the other score to figure # of paces must take away from your goal( 54-20=34 paces)
  • Facing away from your goal, back touching, take the alotted paces. Then rotate to face opponents goal.
  • If any part of the chair is hit, you have just TIED the game and play continues!!!!!!
  • If the player throws a touchdown**********YOU WIN!!!!*******
  • total miss????? Sorry you LOSE! better luck next time!

All Ages Will Love This Backyard Sports Game

Imaging going to Grandma’s, or Aunt Carol’s, or even your brother’s house for a holiday dinner, lunch, or get-together! Everyone is mingling and the kids are a little bored and playing on their phones as usual. Set this up in the backyard or street or parking lot. Get the kids outside!! Not only will the kids be thrilled, but within minutes you will draw a crowd! Everyone will want to join the fun. It is the perfect gathering tool! You have literally scored a touchdown with the family.

This is the most addictive game which gives completion a new meaning! Grandma or the 4-year-old can even join this outstanding backyard sport. The most amazing thing is there is no other game like this on the market. Be the winner in the family, and get one to have in various locations. You can even donate one to your local youth center! Raffle one off the raise money for the little league! So many options for an unbelievable amount of fun!

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