Childhood Dreams

Children have many dreams. Very few of those dreams are based on reality. Little boys dream of becoming their hero’s like Firemen, Policemen, even “Xmen”! Little girls want to become Fashion Models or Movie Stars. But very few of those little beings are aware of privilege, affluence, or prosperity. We certainly do not know the meaning of “The Good Life”! Children just know what is. The present is their immediate world. As time progresses, we hear stories of what was. Close friends and family share their personal experiences, as well as insight, is given to past events. Religious history, customs, ceremonies often went hand-in-hand with my upbringing. The adults mostly would speak in Yiddish (I did not completely understand what was said. The kids got the basic idea, but could always tell when the adults were talking about us!).

Holidays meant traveling to visit family in Ohio, Michigan, and New York. My memories are full of songs, laughter, cooking, and sharing stories. My mother was only three when their family escaped from Russia. Their story was retold often. The Czar of Russia and his men invaded and took over my grandparents’ home. My Grandmother sewed gold silverware and coins into Mom’s fur coat. They had to hide in their attic for months. When they were finally able to escape in the middle of the night, they had to leave everything behind except what the little “coat” held. My brilliant Grandfather (who spoke 14 different languages) was able to smuggle them from border to border as migrant workers. After five years of falsifying papers and bribing guards, they finally arrive in Paris. France was where my Mom was able to start her first-grade education. She was then 7 years old.

Family Stories: Lack of Affluence/ Prosperity

My grandmother also had stories. Her six brothers and sisters were able to reunite in this country. They traveled from all over Europe in order to meet again in Ohio. The Great Depression impacted our family as well. My grandfather always set an example to share with those less fortunate. The family is expected to follow in his beliefs!! No matter how little or small a gesture, one must always share and give back! Most of our religious holiday events centered around the kitchen, while spending endless hours baking, cooking, and preparing the holiday meals.  The customs, ceremonies, food, and stories were therefore shared and passed on. We often had sing-offs with different melodies from different generations. Gathering together as a family is a cherished memory. Whether it was just Sabbath or a joyous holiday, we came together to experience family and the holiday with love.

Five-Star Travel Around the World

Travel is Prosperity

My parents created our Family Travel Agency from scratch. We all pitched in to help the business grow and prosper. Trips to amazing destinations were won by the agency because my parents worked 24/7 to develop and create their legacy. We would travel while escorting the Doctors on a ski trip to Austria, Germany, and Italy. The National Teachers Association would travel with us on an education tour of Ireland. The Italian community in our small town is very active. By developing their business, our agency grew (Although I was not aware at the time, my Mom was a savvy businesswoman). She also sponsored an Italian Hour on the radio, while planning an annual trip to the Vatican. I always laughed when I think that my 5-foot-tall, little Jewish Moma from Russia kissed more Pope’s rings than most Christians have imagined.

Our agency was one of the First to Tour Disney World. We were also on the very first Inaugural flight to China. We planned an annual two-week VIP trip to Hawaii for 65-70 people; where we pulled out all the stops to treat our guests as if they were Royalty. None of these trips ever appeared to me to be a vacation. The travel was always WORK. Discovering new ways of entertainment was expected in order to make everyone have a better time. In addition, we explored new shopping areas or checked out new beaches. It was all work! We arranged the annual Rotary and School Board Conventions, as well as bi-monthly junkets to Las Vegas.

Luxury Travel to other Events

When I was about 7 or 8 we began chartering buses to attend local events. The closest “Big City” was about an hour away. The agency acquired tickets for everything and anything that came close to our town. I worked the tour buses as well as kept track of the number of people. To entertain along the route with songs and games was my job as well. I gave out tickets while letting everyone know when and where to arrive back on the bus. It never seemed like anything other than WORK (Until I had children of my own and could not afford to go to “Sesame Street Live”. the “Ice Capades”, or even the “Rodeo”!)!

Childhood Oblivion

As I got older, I was still unaware of what “affluence” or “prosperity” meant.  However, I had not realized how hard my parents worked to maintain the “normal” for me and my sister. I thought everyone was like my family. I was able to travel and see different parts of the world. My parents even allowed me the opportunity to live in South Africa for most of a year before giving me a college education. It never occurred to me that this was extra special. Heck High School brought me the realization that not all “Grandparents” had a foreign accent. Mine spoke half Yiddish, some Russian with a little bit of English mixed in.

I always just thought my family was the norm. They were just average, hard-working people. Everyone else in the world must be just like us!? I knew my friends did not travel as I did, but that was work! I was oblivious to the reality that my parents had created an “affluent lifestyle” for our family. Hence giving us a life of Travel, Adventure, Comfort, and no worries. Sometimes we truly do not appreciate things, until they are gone. Being able to travel to different parts of the world was so very fortunate! When looking back at my life now; WOW! The realization finally hit me. How spoiled was I?

Hindsight is 20/20 Creating Affluence


My parents had created an “affluent ” life for my sister and me. As a single parent for most of my adult life, struggling has been my normal for more than 30 years. Living from paycheck to paycheck. Trying to develop many businesses as my parents did never worked.  Feeling the sense of failure when unable to sustain the paperwork, the books, or the process. I just lost money and a lot of confidence along the way. I wish I had asked more questions or paid more attention to our Family Travel Business. Hindsight is always “20/20”. Recognizing long after my parents were gone what a wonderful life I was given. The type of lifestyle, affluence, and comfort I would love to give to my own family. I JUST WANT IT BACK! My dream, therefore, is to acquire affluence, prosperity, and privilege now.

Affluence/ Prosperity: Reality Awaits

Presently I am so very thankful that I have found the opportunity offered by Rory and Tanya Ricord. The PBS system has made it possible for me to finally gain the skill and the ability to get it all back! Having several mentors who are available to me 24/7, is making a huge impact in my life. This gave me the support and knowledge to believe in myself. Pursuing this for myself, my husband, my children, and their children are all doable. The “PROSPERITY”, THE “AFFLUENCE”, the “PRIVILEGE”! No longer having to worry if there is enough money to pay the phone bill, or just living from paycheck to paycheck! Not being able to travel or do little special things for my family. Those days are soon to be gone!! I have listened to many inspirational speakers. One of the things that have always stuck in my mind was:

“If you have a JOB…..your lifestyle is probably, JUST OVER BROKE!”

I am so tired of being there. I am ready to get back to what my parents had given me! This program is a means to an end, with the end finally leading me to Affluence, Prosperity, and Opulence. I am so excited to start this new chapter of my life that I can share with my family.

Right Here For The Taking!!

Having several mentors who are available to me 24/7, is making a huge impact in my life. They have given me the support and knowledge to believe in myself. Everything is within my reach because of Rory and Tanya Ricord. They have provided me and hundreds of others the opportunity to follow a proven system.RRR247 enables me to search for and fulfill any financial goal I set for myself and my family. As Rory says; We are learning from the GURU himself! He is the one who has made millions. This amazing couple is giving back and sharing their personal secrets to prosperity, affluence, and abundance. My prayers were answered upon finding this program. Working diligently toward my goals will allow me to get what my parents gave me!

I believe in myself enough to know that I can get back these precious qualities for myself, my husband, and my children. I want to provide support and answers to “Pay It Forward” as my upbringing and Rory purport. Sharing with others is very important and RRR247 is not only the way to attain your DREAMS. It is also a way to help others do the same!! I am blessed and fortunate to have finally found an opportunity that will allow me to obtain a life full of little to no financial worries, travel, excitement, joy, sharing, and prosperity! I have been shown the way to leave a legacy to my family as my parents were able to give to me! My heart and abundant thanks to Rory and Tanya for their groundbreaking training options and their open hearts to want to pass on their “affluence and prosperity” to others!

You Too Can Be a Part of this AMAZING FAMILY.


We want you to reach out when you are ready and Contact Us so we can guide you through all the Awesome things our Community has to offer you. You will Love how we do things, and what we do! WELCOME!!!!