
When it comes to coffee, we all find our favorites. Some of us have gone around the globe trying and adventuring with coffee. It is the #2 Commodity next to Oil. Because of how it makes us feel; some of us are best spoken to after our 2nd cup of the day even.

So when it comes to Coffee and Losing Weight; it has been done wrong up until now. It is not about making coffee that helps you lose weight. Face it; it’s been tried over and over and over. And does it work? Not for all, not for long, and usually, the ingredients that make it work are banned soon after its release. As a result of bio-hacking genius, we have plôs thermo. This is a “SNAP” that you simply squeeze into your favorite hot beverage (or cold beverage) and enjoy. It’s a non-dairy creamer, and enhances your already favorite brew.

Simple! We get to lose weight through this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer that enhances our mood, uplifts our spirits and helps with thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat.

coffee and wine

Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

I am probably a typical person when it comes to my eating habits, routines and lifestyle. Typical that is for a “Foodie”! YES!!! I am a lover of FINE THINGS… and I am very proud of my tastes for Food, Wines, and Chocolate. Now a great piece of Pie, or piece of Cheesecake – well that is hard to pass up as well. You will also notice that food tastes even Better. And while your portion control will naturally decrease, this coffee actually effects you to where you are not wanting to eat and eat for comfort.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake”.

We all want to wake up and be excited to get on with the Day. To be Alert and ready to make a difference. For me I want to focus daily on my goals. Financially, Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally.

snap of plos thermo for coffee

I Want to be able to Impact the Lives of Others. To help them grow, and build, and to help them create Time, Financial, and overall Freedom.

I want to be able to Eat Fine Foods as I share quality time with others. To enjoy amazing cooking, and the art of Food. I am a huge lover of Wine. And not just any Wine, but Fine Wines. I have blessed and have enjoyed the years of being able to wind down with Wine. To end the day right; to reflect on what was accomplished and to spend time with my Spouse. We enjoy sharing the day, and the plans for the future. Even the future of tomorrow, next week, next month.

These are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (Before I found my Solution)

I would wake up, eager to face the day. Get the morning coffee going, get situated, and go for the day. Pouring everything I could each and every day into making things better, brighter, and fuller for everyone I can impact, touch with wisdom, and influence to be the best them.

As I do this, I have often enjoyed great food, fine wines; and have been watching as I gain weight slowly and what seems steady. I’m even conscious of my health needs, replacing meals with nutritious and low-calorie shakes. I trade bad choices for good choices, so in theory, I could still enjoy all the Fine Foods and Fine Wine in the evenings, what I refer to as “celebrating the day”. Though it seems my body and I seem to be at odds; leaving me to constantly battle weight gain, weight loss, in a battle.

I was constantly doing insane methods to lose 40-50 pounds at a time. These methods are not “Eating My Cake” and always require a lifestyle away from what I enjoy. So of course it’s never going to last, its not where I want to be, and so the battle continued.

This is not fun, and I know several people that suffer with it as I did. (DID – keep reading, because this struggle is over).

UNTIL… I found the solution. So I could have my cake, and  “Eat my Cake!” And the solution was as easy as changing nothing more than my morning JOE? Literally – that is all – didn’t change anything else!

And these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution)

This incredible cup of coffee can start your day in the right way! It will energize, burn fat, and eliminate inches from all over!! Imagine a cup of “Joe” allowing you to lose 10-20 pounds of fat every month! Everyone can do it with a cup of delicious coffee every morning.

Diet Coffee

This is where coffee and wine comes into my life all the time now. Plus I am able to share this with those around me. It is a wonderful thing. I literally feel like I have found the “Unicorn” of weight management. Though I have no intention to keep it a secret and literally share it with anyone I can. We only live once right!

With our plôs thermo  – Just add this AMAZING stuff to your Coffee (or other beverage of choice). You get to enjoy the taste and flavor, and you get to FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. As a result gain help in losing those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, and butt. You will want to thank me forever, as I am already thanking the friend that shares this with me. I am able to lose weight and keep it off without the stresses of crash diets, severe diets, or restrictions.

I really just drink 1 to 2 cups of great-tasting coffee (using the plôs thermo as my creamer) throughout the morning. It makes me feel great and gives me a lot of energy. This is proven weight loss that we add to our favorite coffee!  Common sense applied, I Eat sensibly and enjoy a great Dinner (with Wine) throughout the week. We also have our fun, and “splurges” with our weekly Date Nights. Plus, we get to look and feel great – all because of plôs thermo. And just wait, there is even more where that came from!

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not need to measure anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

The JOB, the Family, the bills… all of it. We do not deserve to suffer with our weight and fat. We need a helping hand, and it is here in the form of plôs thermo being added to our favorite Coffee (or other favorite beverage) that delivers us the methods to lose weight. It literally melts away.

OH… if you need help with the bills… be sure to check out the Business Side of how we not only lose the weight but lose the debt! The information is available as you get set with your order of plôs thermo; and you will be able to reach out to me by registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, and we can discuss this further.

Want to ENHANCE your Weight Loss? 

You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here!!! It is awesome having this incredible non-dairy creamer plôs thermo to add to your morning brew. But we have even more incredible “Awesomeness” to help you sleep, feel better, increase your mental focus and mood, as well as to better your hair, nails, skin and so much more.


I need my coffee every morning! Two cups a day allowed me to get focused and start my calorie-burning day! This flavorful, amazing coffee has brought a solution to my “yoyo” weight frustration. I was down 12 pounds when I added ThermoPerk. It helped me drop another 4 pounds, right off the bat! When ordering your Coffee, make sure you add the ThermoPerk. It will definitely let you reach your weight-loss goals quicker!!

Are You a Foodie?

Being a “Foodie” has allowed me to enjoy the finer delicacies in life. I have had the pleasure to travel around the world. During these travels experience European delights that allow your palate to dance. While the exquisite Fine Wines enhance each flavor your mouth enjoys. Unfortunately, it has provided me with an undesirable middle. You know what I mean, that expanding waistline too many Americans have today. But I am ecstatic to announce a solution! This not only allows me to have my “Cake”. I get to eat it too, along with a flavorful cup of coffee!

Since finding this fabulous combo, my first thought is to share it with the world. This actually works. I drink one or two cups in the morning and the weight is melting away! I’ve not changed my love for fine foods or wine, only my morning cup of “Joe”! I even add my vanilla creamer and packets of sweetener to the brew!. It is working like a dream!!

Want to Have the Morning Cup of Coffee Work For YOU?

Get Rid of Those Unwanted Pounds of Fat! Lose Inches Each and Every Month, About 10-20 lbs!! With a Morning Cup of Coffee!!!!

I want to say that I am a pretty typical person with my choices of food. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. Not only does it give me the fuel to start my day, but also gives me quiet time to reflect on my day, my week, and what is ahead! I make sure to prepare an enjoyable breakfast daily. Which also includes a few cups of coffee. Since I already told you I am a “foodie” I have always struggled with every meal to make it both healthy and palatable.

Trying to make the other meals well-balanced and healthy is also important. I remember the meal charts from school showing us how to portion. Making sure we had veggies, proteins, grains, and starch in our diets. That was always a difficult word for me: “PORTION”! And there was never something on the food charts I saw that sectioned off DESSERTS?! What was up with that? Guess all desserts were taboo?

Are Desserts Your Weakness?

I will admit I love my desserts. Passing them up after a wonderful meal with Wine is very difficult for me! I have been able to expand that saying: “There is always room for ‘JELLO'”! to include cream pies, caramel parfait, chocolates, ice cream with nuts and chocolate in it…..HHMMMM! Hence I have gone on many diets. Depriving myself of delectables for a time. losing “Complete Villages” ( an Aunt here, Gained her back…A cousin there, Gained him back!). You get the picture. “yoyo” dieting! I have been told, that is not really good for my health either.

Each and every day I would like to get started with positive energy, a kiss from my husband, and a plan to fulfill some of my goals. Looking to the future is important to me and the ability to share my life with people I care about. I would like to have a positive impact on those around me and those I love. Although feelings of insecurity and disappointment creep in daily because of the excess weight. It interferes with my daily outlook and the positivity I want to achieve.

Obesity has risen Throughout our Population

Obesity is a real issue in the US. I am definitely one of the statistics. Dealing with this weight seems like a burden I am so tired of fighting. I guess heredity or my family’s predisposition to be heavy is an excuse I feel convenient to use. The frustration of not being able to eat what you want is so real. It feels as if the entire world is watching “you”! Watching everything you eat and judging if you dare to have something considered “NOT DIETARY”!

Being a “foodie” is both a curse and a blessing. Truly appreciating the “art” of cooking all foods is a gratifying discovery. The value of not just tasting, but truly experiencing a meal is such a pleasure. I enjoy it all; the ambiance, the presentation, the atmosphere. An Aperitif, Fine-Wine, Entree, Dessert, and Digestif, all part of the whole experience of the meal! Then winding down after eating and reflecting on the accomplishments of the day. Sharing time with loved ones and planning what tomorrow will bring. But this can all be a huge disappointment if you are trying to watch everything you eat.

Reality is NOT Always Easy to Admit

I am an eternal optimist, so my expectation after waking up is always to have a wonderful day. I make a pot of coffee. Prepare and eat breakfast. Then make a mental note of my plans for the day. While getting ready for work, it is inevitable that I must pass a mirror or two. The reflection, looking back at me does surprise me. The years have been kind in some ways, but the weight, a bit out of control.

Loving food as I do is definitely showing on my hips, my arms, my butt, my belly, my thighs. Gaining and losing, losing and gaining has been the roller coaster I experience. I want to be healthy and look better while trying to take care of myself. My weight struggle seems to hang over me like a wet blanket. Sagging and clumping all over. I fear I am fighting a losing battle.

This reality is truly difficult to admit. The fact that I have friends with the same issue is of little comfort. The clothes in my closet reflect my struggle and hopes. (I know I will one day get back into that outfit, or slacks, or dress!?) There must be clothes of every size and style. Fearful to give anything away! Hoping one day is just around the corner. Unfortunately for me, I have to pass the pie shop before the corner comes! There I go again, trying to cover my size with humor. I do that a lot too!

Finally, a Solution that Allows Me To Eat and Enjoy

Who would have thought about coffee? This amazing coffee not only tastes good but reduces my cravings. I have had ice cream with chocolate and nuts in the freezer for months and have little desire to indulge. I even eat to a comfortable fullness instead of feeling like I will explode. The portions seem to have regulated themselves!

I can now enjoy coffee and wine, some of the finer foods of life! I am so excited to share this amazing product with others. It has literally changed my life. I am down over 25 pounds and am averaging 2-3 pounds a week.

With our Coffee –your meals will be enjoyed. No need for the starvation, deprivation, stress, or frustration that normally goes along with losing weight. This program is easy-peasy! Just make 1 or 2 cups of this delicious dark roasted coffee and it does the work for you. The science is brilliant. Appetite is suppressed which in turn helps to reduce portion size. Cravings are minimized while providing an energy boost to take on the day with enthusiasm. No extra exercises or special diet food is needed!

Since finding this great-tasting weight-loss coffee, I have not really wanted to splurge. Although I feel I am able to eat whatever I want, I know my intake has been greatly reduced. I feel full and satisfied. I am able to have wine with dinner and an occasional dessert without worry, guilt, or extra pounds being added. My cup of “Joe” is now my favorite food to love, all because of this amazing Coffee!

Life is Full of Enough Stressers.

Work, Kids, Bills, Housework, and Pets, all are stressful enough. Adding trying to lose weight has been the over-the-top issue! Weight-loss worries are now a thing of the past. This fantastic formula of coffee delivers a final solution. This incredibly rich coffee melts the weight away comfortably and without sacrifice.

By the way, speaking of bills… the Business Side of this weight loss product can also help lose debt! While you are ordering your Coffee, check out the opportunity. Reach out to me by registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing this amazing COFFEE!

We want you to reach out when you are ready and Contact Us. We’ll guide you through all the Awesome things our Community has to offer you. You will Love how we do things, and what we do! WELCOME!!!!